Privacy vs Programmability: How Aleo Stands Out from Bitcoin, Zcash, and Ethereum

3 min readMar 4, 2023


Blockchain technology has evolved significantly over the years, with each project offering unique features and benefits. Four prominent blockchain projects that offer different combinations of privacy and programmability are Bitcoin, Zcash, Ethereum, and Aleo.

Low Privacy, Low Programmability: Bitcoin

Bitcoin is the first and most well-known blockchain project, which launched in 2009. Bitcoin offers a low level of privacy, as all transactions are recorded on the public blockchain and can be traced back to their origin. Bitcoin is also limited in terms of programmability, as it primarily supports simple transactions and does not have a built-in smart contract language.

High Privacy, Low Programmability: Zcash

Zcash is a privacy-focused blockchain project that was launched in 2016. It offers a high level of privacy through the use of zero-knowledge proofs, which allow users to prove ownership of a particular asset without revealing any additional information. However, Zcash has limited programmability, as it does not have a built-in smart contract language and relies on third-party tools such as Zabo to interact with other blockchain networks.

Low Privacy, High Programmability: Ethereum

Ethereum is a programmable blockchain platform that was launched in 2015. It offers a high level of programmability through its built-in smart contract language, Solidity, which enables developers to build decentralized applications on top of the Ethereum network. However, Ethereum offers a low level of privacy, as all transactions are recorded on the public blockchain and can be traced back to their origin.

High Privacy, High Programmability: Aleo

Aleo is a privacy-focused blockchain platform that was launched in 2021. It offers a high level of privacy through its use of zero-knowledge proofs, which enable users to prove ownership of a particular asset without revealing any additional information. Additionally, Aleo offers a high level of programmability through its built-in smart contract language, Leo, which enables developers to build complex decentralized applications on top of the Aleo network.

Aleo is the Best of Both Worlds

Aleo’s unique combination of high privacy and high programmability sets it apart from other blockchain projects. With Aleo, users can have the best of both worlds, enjoying the privacy benefits of zero-knowledge proofs while also being able to build complex decentralized applications on the network. This makes Aleo an attractive option for users who prioritize both privacy and programmability.


In conclusion, blockchain technology has come a long way since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009. With projects such as Zcash, Ethereum, and Aleo, users can choose from a range of blockchain platforms that offer different combinations of privacy and programmability. However, Aleo’s unique combination of high privacy and high programmability makes it an attractive option for users who want the best of both worlds.

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