What’s next for The Graph?

5 min readDec 21, 2020


What kind of data and applications do you see moving to Web3?

In this twit, I provided infographic how web 3.0 will change our lives, and it is:

Personalized browsing: Content will be more user oriented.
Better app experience: More savvy apps are anticipated that will have better functionality.
In depth search: Search Engines will be powered by AI to deliver more relevant contents.
More access: The decentralized internet will make knowledge more accessible.
Semantic technology: Internet will take a leap forward towards more definitive web technology.
Personalized marketing techniques: Real-time target marketing and improvised marketing data analysis are possible.
More privat and secured internet: Better protection against cyber-attacks and better control on user data.

And what makes Web 3.0 so unique?

Semantic web: Better understands contents web rather then focusing on keywords and numeric values.
Atrificial intelligence: Computers now can understand information like a human being with the ability of natural language processing.
Ubiquity: Every device will be connected to the network. Contents can be accessible by various applications.
Enhanced connectivity: Web 3.0 uses semantic metadata to provide users better connectivity.
Peer-to-peer network: A decentralized network that dissolves the need for a centralized authority.
3d graphics: Utilizing Virtual Reality, more realistic and natural looking graphics are extensively used.

The future of the Web 3.0 based internet is a future in which users operating blockchain-based smartphones are able to access truly decentralized applications equivalent to Facebook, eBay, Uber, and Amazon, transacting in a peer-to-peer manner with full control over who can access their data.

About dApps, the tendency for messaging (Whisper, Telegram, etc.), storage (IPFS, Swarm, Storj, etc.), state machines (Evn, custom, etc.) Data Feeds (Oraclize.it, town crier, etc.), Off-chain Computing (Cloud, VMS, etc.), Governance (Daos, Hard / Soft forks, etc.) will continue in the future.

So, in terms of widespread trends: I can mention messengers, social networks, gaming and on-demand streaming services. In terms of what governments and corporations use: bank-to-bank transfers (banks have to evolve), educational systems, cloud storages, marketing, AI, virtual systems, some elements of social policy.

As we can see in all of mentioned spheres an extraordinary amount of information required to be processed. That’s one more reason why I think that The Graph created a really great product. Better, more reliable and stable, faster and more convenient way to seek and receive information is critically important.

The advantages of the Graph I have mentioned in Medium article

Why The Graph is so important for Web3 I described in the Medium article

What type of data should be indexed on The Graph?

The Graph is a decentralised indexing protocol that enables users and applications to extract data from the blockchain. Whilst it currently supports Ethereum and IPFS it is generalisable to other Web3 data sources.

The essence of what programmers have done with The Graph is to define deterministic indexing. The graphics node defines a store abstraction that Postgres implements: everything you need to run a subgraph is open source. A graph node defines a storage abstraction that Postgres implements.

A subgraph is a part of the blockchain used to store data for specific dApps.

Defining a subgraph is the first step to using Graph. The subgraphs for popular protocols and dApps are already in use, can be viewed using the Graph Explorer which uses the UI to execute GraphQL queries against specific smart contracts or dApps.

A less tangible but equally important factor is the ability for Web3 applications to deliver an outstanding user experience. In order for these applications to thrive and entice new users they are going to require rich data injected into the UI/UX. Rich data is not possible without an indexing server since only very basic information can be pulled directly from the blockchain. As queries become more expansive the loading times increase significantly. The Graph precomputes and prepares the ingested data allowing it to serve it instantly to the application.

Moreover, indexed data can add value to multiple different facets of the Web3 vision, providing long term value accrual for the network.

How do you see The Graph protocol and subgraphs evolving in the future?

The Web 3.0 revolution is in full swing and is under active development by a wide range of forward-leaning tech companies. The Web3 foundation works to nurture the growth of tech that brings the internet closer to its decentralized future, running frequent events such as the Web3 Summit that bring together developers and researchers that are working on the protocols, computational languages, blockchains, and storage mechanisms that will fuel the Web 3.0 movement.

A large-scale open-source collaborative project such as the Web3 Foundation and the Internet of Blockchain Foundation work toward creating alliances between blockchain projects and enterprise. The growing Web 3 landscape is also home to hundreds of promising blockchain-based decentralized applications, or dApps, that aim to create Web 3.0 alternatives to the centralized apps used today. Poland-based cloud computing platform Golem is creating the world’s first decentralized supercomputer, Ethlance is working on the world’s first decentralized Web 3.0 job market, while ConsenSys-backed project uPort is building the first open identity system.

Web3 works with platforms such as Chainlink, an interoperability-focused blockchain network that aims to bridge the data gap between off-chain systems and distributed ledger systems in order to facilitate blockchain ubiquity. And it was the great collaboration of The Graph as a decentralized indexing network that provides off-chain dApp front-ends with refined on-chain data with Chainlink! I am sure that it is the big step in the creation of new world with a truly democratic, open, and free internet free from middlemen, censorship, and monopolization.

So, in the future, that the future work of The Graph as Subgraph Composition, Multi-Blockchain Support, Optimistic Rollup/ Truebit-style Verification for Proofs of Indexing, Verifiable Queries, Optimistic Rollup/ Layer 2 for Protocol Economics, GraphQL Mutations, GraphQL API V2, Protocol Modeling & Simulation, Automated Monetary Policy, mentionet on The Graph site will improve the core infrastructure for Web3 and will bring a huge progress of this new decentralized era.



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